• Connectivity and server space graciously donated by Cricket Media. Cricket Media maintains two Leo sites: Totally DeCaptitated, a literary magazine, and The DeCapitated Store, the largest source of unique DiCaprio merchandise on the Web.

  • This page was created by, and is maintained by Darrell Gaskins with the help of contributors from around the world.

  • If your browser is displaying a black background, your monitor's gamma settings are off. If you don't know how to set gamma correction on your machine (or if you can't), try adjusting the brightness/contrast controls on your monitor until it properly displays a dark green color.

  • This site utilizes some advanced HTML features, such as animated gifs, frames, forms, and JavaScripts. Without a capable viewer (such as Netscape 2.0 or later) the layout and presentation may suffer greatly.

  • Sorry, but any email you send to me addressed "to: Leo" cannot be forwarded to him. Leo does not have an email address that I know of. However, you can contact him at the address below.

  • This page is completely unofficial; I've never even met the boy.

  • Windows users might be interested in the ScreenPix screensaver to display your favorite Leo pics while you're away from your computer. You can download it from here.

  • All work on these pages was done on a PowerMac 8500 and Macintosh Quadra 650 using BBEdit, Adobe Photoshop, and AppleScript.

Contact Info:

Leonardo DiCaprio
c/o Rick York
955 South Carrilo Drive, Suite 300
Los Angeles, CA 90048

Publicist: Cindy Guagenti
Baker Winokur & Ryder PR
405 South Beverly Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

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